Curriculum Viate_Dr. Le Thanh Bon





Full Name LE THANH BON, PhD in Soil Science (Ha Noi University of Agriculture, Viet Nam)
Organization: Vice Rector of Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry (HUAF), Hue University, Vietnam.
Sex: Male
Date of birth: 10 – 10 – 1957
Nationality: Vietnamese
Telephone +84 54 3516514; Handy: +84 914145062
Fax + 85 54 3524923


1975 – 1980 Bachelor of Engineer in Soil Science, Ha Noi University of Agriculture,
Viet Nam.
Doctor degree of Soil Science, Ha Noi University of Agriculture, Viet Nam.
Professional societies:       Vietnamese Soil Science Society


1996 – 2005 Head of Division of Training and Student Affairs, HUAF.
2005 – 2009 Dean of Faculty of Land Resources and Agricultural Environment, HUAF.
2008 – 2009 Director of Center for Consultancy of Land Resources and Rural Environment, Faculty of Land Resources and Agricultural Environment, HUAF.
2005 – Now Member of the Board of Science and Training of Faculty of Land Resources and Agricultural Environment, HUAF.
2009 – Now Vice Rector of Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry


1981 – Now Lecturer for Undergraduate Students of Land Management and Agronomy: Edaphology, Soil Science, Geology.
1983 – Now Thesis supervision for more 300 Undergraduate Students of Land Management and Agronomy (full time) at Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry.
2000 – Now Lecturer for Master Students of Land Management: Sustainable agricultural land use management, Relationship between plant and soil, Plant and Fertilizer .
2000 – Now Thesis supervision for more 50 Master Students of Land Management and Agronomy (full time) at Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry.
2009 – Now Lecturer for Doctor Students of Land Management: Nutrition for Plant.
2009 – Now Thesis supervision for 02 Doctor Students of Agronomy (full time) at Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry.

5.1. Leader and Coodinator

2007 Assess appropriate ability for some kinds land use type and mapping land evaluation Thuy Bang commune, Huong Thuy district, Thua Thien Hue

5.2. Members

2012 – 2015 Member of research project funded by NUFFIC (Holland, ODA. NicheVNM105): Supporting the integration in Agricultural Curricula of Climate Change concerns at Universities of Agriculture, Hanoi University of Agriculture, Hong Duc University and Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry (ACCCU).

6.1. Published Books

1992 Hoang Van Cong, Tran Duc Duc, Le Thanh Bon, Edaphology, Ha Noi Agricultural Publishing House, Vietnam.
1996 Le Thanh Bon and Group Authors , Cultivation handbook, Hue Publishing House, Vietnam.
1998 Le Thanh Bon and Group Authors , Science research methodology for Agronomy, Hue Publishing House, Vietnam.
2006 Le Thanh Bon, Edaphology, Ha Noi Agricultural Publishing House, Vietnam

6.2. Published Articles

2012 Nguyen Huu Ngu, Duong Thi Hieu, Le Thanh Bon, Dinh Van Thoa. Land suitability evaluation for fruit tree developing in central Viet Nam; A case study of Thuy Bieu ward, Hue city. Journal of Soil Science, Hanoi, Vietnam. Nr.39. P: 117 – 122
2012 Huynh Van Chuong, Le Quynh Mai, Le Thanh Bon. Application GIS to evaluate the land suitability of prospective land use types to develop the agricultural production in Tay Giang district, Quang Nam province. Journal of Ecological Economy, Vietnam. Nr. 43. ISSN: 1859 – 2317.
2008 Le Thanh Bon and others, Assess appropriate ability for some kinds land use type and mapping land evaluation Thuy Bang commune, Huong Thuy district, Thua Thien Hue. Journal of Agricultural and Rural Development.
2000 Le Thanh Bon, C-haracteristics of phosphate and the effect of phosphate in the soil for rice and peanuts in sandy areas of Thua Thien Hue, Agricultural Publishing House.
1998 Le Thanh Bon, Coastal sandy soils in TT Hue province, Vietnam Soil Science to the 16th Congress of Soil Science Montpellier. France
1998 Le Thanh Bon, Ingredients and c-haracteristics of the element phosphorus in sandy soil, Journal of Soil Science.
1997 Le Thanh Bon, The role and effectiveness of mineral elements: N, P, K for peanuts on sandy soil, Journal of Agricultural and Rural Development.
1997 Hoang Van Cong, Dinh Xuan Duc, Nguyen Thi Dao, Le Thanh Bon, Some chemical c-haracteristics of the hilly area of Thua Thien Hue province under the different cultivation methods, Journal of Agriculture and Food Technology.
1997 Le Thanh Bon, Determination of mineral nutrient elements which limit the yield and efficiency of phosphate fertilizer for rice on coastal sand in TT Hue Province, Journal of Agriculture and Food Technology.
1996 Le Thanh Bon , Effect of phosphate for peanuts grown on sandy soil in Thua Thien Hue, Journal of Agriculture and Food Technology.
1996 Le Thanh Bon, Some chemical properties of sandy coastal Thua Thien Hue, Results of scientific research of the Hanoi Agricultural University, Agricultural Publish House.
1996 Le Thanh Bon , Sandy soil in Thua Thien Hue Province, Journal of Soil Science.
1993 Le Thanh Bon, The effect of Supe phosphate and Van Dien phosphate for rice grown on nutrient-poor soils and acidic soil in Thua Thien Hue, Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry, Thua Thien Hue Publishing House.
1993 Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao, Le Thanh Bon, Assay results a number of imported cassava varieties in the 2 years of 1992 -1993, Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry, Thua Thien Hue Publishing House.
1992 Nguyen Quang Pho, Le Thanh Bon, Ability of Growth and Development of Trieu bean in central of Vietnam and Thua Thien Hue province, Hue Agriculture University, Thua Thien Hue Publishing House.
1992 Le Thanh Bon, Trieu bean in dry season, Hue Agriculture University, Thua Thien Hue Publishing House.


  Speaking Reading Writing
Vietnamese native Native native
English Fair Fair Fair

– MS Office (Access, Excel, PowerPoint).
– Experience in working with different national and international organizations.
– Experience of working with and advocating government authorities.
– Good organizational capacity.
– Practical experience and skills in work planning, consultation and data analysis.
– Experience in coaching, training and facilitation.
– Administrative skills.
– Excellent editing skills..
– Extroverted, self-starter and ability to work well both independent and in a team.
– Good communication skills.
– Third-class Labor Medal f-rom President of Vietnam for Excellent teacher.
– Merit f-rom President of Vietnam for Excellent teacher.
Thailand, China, HongKong, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia.    


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