Curriculum Viate_MSc. Tran Thi Phuong



Organization: Faculty of Land Resourses and Agriculture Environment – Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry (HUAF), Hue University, Vietnam.
Sex: Female
Date of birth: 24 – 06 – 1979
Nationality: Vietnamese
Telephone +84 54 3516514; Handy: +84 918382352
Fax + 85 54 3524923


1997 – 2001 Bachelor of Land management, Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry, Vietnam.
2002 – 2004 Master of Land Management, Hue University, Vietnam.
2009 – 2012 Doctoral degree of Natural Resource Management, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand.
Specialized Training: –          Use of Geographic Information System for Management of Forest and Tree Resources organised by the International Institute for Geo-information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), The Netherlands f-rom 13-22 December 2004.
–          Geographic Information System organised by the International Institute for Geo-information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), The Netherlands on 10-19 March 2005.
–          Remote Sensing and Monitoring Land Cover change organised by American Museum of natural History’s Center for Biodiversity and Conservation on 9-14 May 2005.
–          Use of Geographic Information System for Management of Land Resources organised by the International Institute for Geo-information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), The Netherlands f-rom 06-17 June 2005.
–          Development of GIS – Enabled Database for Coastal and Marine Management hold by Principal In Practice Project, CIDA on 03-11 May 2006.
–          Social Theory and Sociology of Community hold by Principal In Practice Project, CIDA on 10-21 July 2006.
–          Gender and Sustainable Development hold by Principal In Practice Project, CIDA on 10-19 August 2006.
–          Social Statistic hold by Principal In Practice Project, CIDA on 23-29 August 2006.
–          Management of Resources and the Environment, studied at Dalhousie University in Canada f-rom 7 September to 8 December 2006.
–          Community – Based Co-Management, studied at Dalhousie University in Canada f-rom 7 September to 8 December 2006.
–          Analytical Writing organised by Sweden – Vietnam Research Cooperation Program f-rom 13-19 January 2006.
Professional societies: – Vietnamese Soil Science Society
– Vietnamese GIS and Remote sensing Society
– SWAT Society


2001-now Lecturer and Researcher at Faculty of Land Resources and Agricultural Environemnt, HUAF
2009 Visiting Researcher at ICRAF Vietnam (7 months)
2012 Visiting Researcher at National Institute of Environment Science-NIES- Japan (3 months).


2001 – Now Lecturer for Undergraduate Students of Land Management: Geographic Information System, Land Information System, Land and Housing Information System.
2011 – Now Lecturer for Master Students of Land Management: Technology for Land management.
1998 – Now Thesis supervision for more 50 Undergraduate Students of Land Management (full time) at the Faculty of Land Resource and Agricultural Environment, Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry.

5.1. Leader and Coodinator

2008 Coodinator of project funded by SIDA/SAREC: The impacts of land fragmentation and plot consolidation on farmers’ livelihood  in Quang Tho commune, Quang Dien district, Thua Thien Hue province.
2008 Leader of research projects funded by Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry. The impacts of land fragmentation and plot consolidation on agricultural productivity in Quang Tho commune, Quang Dien district, Thua Thien Hue province.
2007 Coodinator of project funded by SIDA/SAREC: Land use planning: policy and practice. A case study in Phu Thuong commune, Phu Vang district, Thua Thien Hue province.
2004 Leader of research projects funded by Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry. Building Land Information System for Hue city: GIS application.

5.2. Members

2008-2011 Core member and team leader of one study site in research project funded by IDRC Developing Common Property Regimes for Sustainable Livelihoods and Poverty Reduction in Coastal areas.
2009 Member of research project funded by the World Agroforestry Centre: Application of Rapid hydrological assessment (RHA) in Leng River Watershed, Ba Be district, Bac Kan province’
2009 – 2010 Member of research project funded by Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training (B2009-DHH 02 -34): Soil erosion research at mountainous landscape of Huong river basins using remote sensing and GIS technology.
2008-2009 Member of research in the project funded by Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training (B2008-DHH 02 -23): Soil Information System for Soil Management at Commune Level in Central Vietnam: Case study in two communes in Thua Thien Hue province.
2008 Member of research project funded by PLAN: Conducting training on PRA for project staff at provincial, district and commune level and key groups in Tien Ha and Tien Cam Commune, Tien Phuoc District, Quang Nam Province.
2007 Member of research project, GIS specialist, funded by FILAND project: Making land unit map and land suitability map for 13 communes in Dakrong District, Quang Tri Province.

Published Articles

2012 Tran Thi Phuong, Rajendra P. Shrestha, Yamagata Yoshiki. The impact of land use change on soil erosion in Bo river watershed, Central Vietnam. Proceedings of International Conference GIS-IDEAS 2012, pages 391-326 (In English)
2012 Tran Thi Phuong, Rajendra P. Shrestha, Huynh Van Chuong, Nguyen Bich Ngoc. Simulating the effect of land use change on soil erosion in bo river watershed, central Vietnam: SWAT application. Proceedings of National Conference on GIS 12/2012. P.???. Agricultural Publishing House , Vietnam (In Vietnamese).
2012 Tran Thi Phuong, Ho Kiet, Nguyen Bich Ngoc. Land use planning: Policy and Practice,A case study in Phu Thuong commune, Phu Vang district, Thua Thien Hue province. . Proceedings of Science and Technology Conference 2012. P.???. Agricultural Publishing House , Vietnam (In Vietnamese).
2012 Tran Thi Phuong and Rajendra P. Shrestha. The impacts of land use change on water balance in Bo river watershed, Central Vietnam. The International Conference on Integrated Assessment Tool, Japan (In English).
2012 Tran Thi Phuong, Ho Kiet, Nguyen Bich Ngoc, Ho Nhat Tuan. Application remote sensing (RS) and GIS in current land use mapping: case study in Huong Thuy town, Thua Thien Hue province. Journal of Ecological Economy, Vietnam. Nr. 43. P.???. ISSN: 1859 – 2317 (In Vietnamese).
2012 Nguyen Bich Ngoc, Tran Thi Phuong, Nguyen Trung Hai. Real situation of real estate market in some strong urbanization regions: case study in CUA LO town, Nghe An province. Proceedings of Science and Technology Conference 2012. P.???. Agricultural Publishing House , Vietnam (In Vietnamese).
2012 Nguyen Bich Ngoc, Tran Thi Phuong, Le Ngoc Phuong Quy. GIS based Land Information System for administration at local level in Central Vietnam: A case study in Phu Hoi ward, Hue city: GIS application. Proceedings of National Conference on GIS 12/2012. P.???. Agricultural Publishing House , Vietnam (In Vietnamese).
2009 Tran Thi Phuong. Land use planning: policy and practice. A case study in Phu Thuong commune, Phu Vang district, Thua Thien Hue province. Hue University Publishing House (In English).
2008 Tran Thi Phuong. The impacts of land fragmentation and plot consolidation on farmers’ livelihood in Quang Tho commune, Quang Dien district, Thua Thien Hue province. Agricultural Publishing House (In English).
2008 Tran Thi Phuong. The impacts of land fragmentation and plot consolidation on farmers’ livelihood in Quang Tho commune, Quang Dien district, Thua Thien Hue province. Proceedings of International conference on 30 years Vietnam-Sweden Cooperation Research Program (In English).
2007 Ho Kiet, Le Ba Phuc, Tran Thi Phuong. Assessment of residential land in Hue city. Journal of  Science, Hue University Publishing House (In Vietnamese).


  Speaking Reading Writing
Vietnamese native native native
English good good good

Computer programming and statistics
·         MS Office (Access, Excel, PowerPoint), Teec-hart
·         Multivariate statistics (SPSS,)
·         Experimental designs and analysis in agricultural research.
·         PRA, RRA and PALA
Spatial analysis:
·         Geographic  Information  System  (GIS)  and   Remote  Sensing   (RS)  for  various  fields  in landscape   ecology   and   environmental   sciences.
·         Integrated Assessment Modeling – AIM
·         Relevant operational skills of GIS/RS software:  ArcView GIS, MapInfo, ArcGIS, ArcSWAT, Microstation, FAMIS, VILIS, TK05, ERDAS.
– For Foundation (Ph.D degree).
– NIES fellowship: Visiting researcher in Japan.
– Principal in Practice Project/CIDA: study 1 semester in Canada (School of Natural Resources and Environment, Dalhousie University).
– The World Agrofrestry Center in 2009.
          Kansesast University, Bangkok, Thailand (2003), Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand (2009-2012), Dalhousie University, Canada (2006), Nayang University, Singapore (2008), National Institute of Environment Studies, Japan (2012).


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